This is just such an article. From its headline to the period at the end, this is perfect.
It can honestly be said: Edward R. Murrow, you are no Richard Johnson.

up all night and down every day
He also claims that feeding a baby with soy milk has the equivalent effect on them of giving them five birth control pills. Which is an interesting claim, albeit a completely insane one.
So there you have it, folks. Those delicious Chik patties you've been scarfing up for the past few years will literally turn your flag-wielding, church-going, no premarital sex-having sons and daughters into a nation of Ru Pauls during fleet week. Vegetarians? More like Future Sodomites of America.
I hope you're all so very proud of yourselves. Does it make you feel more like a real (wo)man to make your kids feel like less of a (wo)man and maybe even eventually possibly want to have sexual relations with a (wo)man of the same sex? Whoah, man.
Although, now that I'm thinking about it, there was always something "fruity" about the name "Tofutti." Wocka, wocka, wocka.
I sure hope the terrorists don't find out about this. They'll have a field day with it.
On behalf of everyone here at the Ledge, have a wonderful holiday. And this season, please remember to keep the "Bebop" in Christmas. I know I will.
I'll also be keeping the Budweiser in my tummy.
"The price one pays for pursuing any profession or calling is an intimate knowledge of its ugly side."
- James Baldwin
Just today, I was thinking to myself, “Hey Self, it’s been a rather crappy week, hasn’t it?”
“Yes, Self, it certainly has. And it’s only Tuesday.”
“That’s true, Self. But last week kind of blurred into this one, did it not?”
“Yes, it most certainly did. And did I mention it’s only Tuesday?”
“Yes, I’m afraid you did, you handsome bastard.”
“Oh, Self… What are we going to do with ourSelves?”
Can you tell that I’m tired and losing my mind?
Without further crappola... the past week or so, in emails counts (Let me specify - WORK emails. Personal emails are a different and far more enjoyable species altogether.):
Monday – 121
Tuesday – 119
Wednesday – 183
Thursday – 148
Friday – 151
Saturday – 14*
Sunday – 10*
Monday – 204
Tuesday – 224
(* Yes, small numbers, I know, but they were on the weekend, so I’m counting them as ten weekday emails for every one weekend email. Totaling 140 and 100, respectively.)
As you can see, things are getting progressively worse. The bad days are the ones when I have to do other work, other than just answering all these damn emails. Which is... every day.
I’m wondering how this stacks up with other people out there. Am I crazy or is that a lot of mail to go through? Or am I just peeing my pants over nothing? (It’s been known to happen.)
Today is Tuesday. I posit that it is no coincidence the subject of the email I received today from Netflix said “For Wednesday: Repulsion.” So what if it was talking about this kind of Repulsion and not this kind.
"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge."
- Bertrand Russell
"I have always tried to use humor to "help ever" and "hurt never," for I find that to laugh is like swallowing a secret that Santa Claus farted."
- David Cross
Thursday, October 19th from 7-11pm
Opening Reception of"Delay, decay. Living, living."- paintings and drawings
by James O'Keeffe
Residue Gallery
107 Brunswick St., Jersey City, NJ
The evening will also be the unveiling of Residue's backyard mural
createdby O'Keeffe as well.
Refreshments provided
Make Believe – “Of Course”
This album is wild. Of all the Tim Kinsella musical outfits that have crossed my path over the years MB is the most unpredictable, amusing and consistently entertaining one.
Joanna Newsom – “Ys”
This record is grandiose, but I mean that in a good way. It’s obvious that Joanna Newsom is a talented musician. On this record, she takes everything she did before and ups the stakes by a longshot. This album is long, meandering and full of little genius twists and turns. Gorgeous, really.
Magnolia Electric Company – “Fading Trails”
The sad friar of alt country indie strikes again. Jason Molina provides a strong argument against happiness and mental health. If being miserable is this good, it really makes you think twice about being happy.
Bob Dylan – “Modern Times”
Dude, I am not reviewing a Dylan record. It’s great. Son of a bitch, it's great. Go buy it!
President Bush has signed a new National Space Policy that rejects future arms-control agreements that might limit U.S. flexibility in space and asserts a right to deny access to space to anyone "hostile to U.S. interests."
It's called Scarlett Sings Tom Waits and it's coming out next spring from Rhino. How cool is that picture, by the way? I lifted it from the Pitchfork. Thanks, forkies.
My gut instinct tells me that this album is actually going to be kind of cool. I mean, if Tom himself endorses the idea, it can't be so bad, right? But as GOB Bluth once said, "my gut is also very hungry." I really don't know how I feel about this idea.
Do I hate it?
Do I date it?
Do I got a dyslexic heart?
I think this one falls into the "download first, then decide" category. But I must admit, I'm intrigued.
Probably for all the wrong reasons.
Rick Santorum and the "Eye of Mordor"In an interview with the editorial board of the Bucks County Courier Times, embattled Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum has equated the war in Iraq with J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings." According to the paper, Santorum said that the United States has avoided terrorist attacks at home over the past five years because the "Eye of Mordor" has been focused on Iraq instead.
"As the hobbits are going up Mount Doom, the Eye of Mordor is being drawn somewhere else," Santorum said. "It's being drawn to Iraq and it's not being drawn to the U.S. You know what? I want to keep it on Iraq. I don't want the Eye to come back here to the United States."
This, on the same day that this appears:
Cheney: ‘General Overall Situation’ In Iraq Is Going ‘Remarkably Well’Well, America, it was nice knowing you. Now let's hop in that handbasket and ride it straight to hell. Our leaders clearly have no idea what they are doing.
If you look at the general overall situation, they’re doing remarkably well.It’s still very, very difficult, very tough. Nobody should underestimate the extent to which we’re engaged there with this sort of, at present, the “major front” of the war on terror. That’s what Osama bin Laden says, and he’s right. [emphasis mine]
Hey, do you think he brought Dudley Heinsburgen to the party with him? That dude knows how to party. And he can hear real good too.Bill Murray turns fiction into fact by pitching up at students' party in St Andrews with a new blonde friend – and then doing the dishes
By Jonathan Wynne-Jones
(Filed: 15/10/2006)
In the Oscar-winning film Lost in Translation, Bill Murray famously plays a lonely actor looking for meaning in his life in a strange land. He meets a young blonde woman and goes to a party with her.
Now life seems to have imitated art when the Hollywood star stunned a house full of students by turning up at their party in the early hours of the morning.The 56-year-old actor was in St Andrews for a celebrity golf event but, rather than retire for an early night when last orders were called, he went off to explore the more playful side of the historic city.
He had been drinking with fellow golfers in the fashionable Ma Bells bar when he met Lykke Stavnef, a Norwegian blonde, who was out her friend Marie Bergene. To her surprise, Murray accepted her invitation to a party and accompanied her along the cobbled streets to a Georgian townhouse, where a gathering overflowing with young Scandinavians was in full swing.
"Nobody could believe it when I arrived at the party with Bill Murray," said Miss Stavnef, 22, a social anthropology student. "We met him in the bar and he made some jokes. He was just like the character in Lost in Translation."
"It was really funny because he was pretty old compared with all the other people there, but he was so relaxed and it was really amusing when he started to wash up," said Miss Stavnef. She was concerned that there were no clean glasses when she arrived with Murray but she said he was quite happy to drink vodka from a coffee cup.
As news spread around the city that Murray was a surprise guest at a student party, the house became crowded with people wanting to meet the star of Ghostbusters and Groundhog Day.
"The alcohol ran out very quickly when word got round that he was with us," said Agnes Huitfeldt, 22, an economics and finance student.
"I was standing in the hallway when he came in. I introduced myself, but I was really surprised when he remembered my name later as there were so many people there.
"He was joking with me about reheating some leftover pasta and how drunk everyone was. The pasta was probably quite hard to get off the dishes because they had been sitting around."
Shortly after finishing the washing-up piled high in the students' kitchen, the Hollywood star left with a couple of companions who were believed to have been involved in the golf competition.
"He couldn't fail to have a good time," said Tom Wright, 22, an international relations student. "The party was overflowing with stunning Scandinavian blondes. He seemed to be in his element, cracking lots of jokes. It was the talk of the town the next day."
Murray fired his publicist several years ago and has no agent. He could not be reached for comment.
And now, she seems like a happy little kitty for the first time ever. It's been great to see her have such a triumphant return after what was probably a harrowing recovery experience, on top of years of alcohol and drug abuse.
Then, Karl Lagerfeld, the nutball with a ponytail and a fan, who runs Chanel, personally picks her to be their new spokeskitten. Bravo, Karl! I know you're a total fucking mental case and this will be the only time you ever hear me say something nice about you, but I really commend your choice.
I leave you with the following picture of our feline friend. You can't really blame the guy for picking her, can you? Hell, I'd start my own fashion label if I thought it would get her attention. I think the world is ready for my designer underwear. Right?
A 91-year-old man has received a law degree from an Australian university, finishing the six-year course more than a year ahead of schedule because he said "time is of the essence."
Thanks, Uncle Redacted, for using the word narly. You are the only person who would still do that for me.Dude I haven't heard from or seen you since 6/25. Are you still alive? If you are, that is narly. Give me a call or send me an e-mail. As you can see, I've finally come into the 21st century.Uncle [redacted]