Thanks for joining this latest installment of the George Orwell Appalling Truth Hour. On this week’s show, we’ve got a real doozy. As a matter of fact, it’s downright disturbing!
Once again, George W. Bush does not cease to amaze. In a feat that truly defies belief, our beloved Decider in Chief has “decidered” to pass legislation that allows him to… wait for it… OPEN PEOPLE’S MAIL without a warrant. Yes, I’m afraid it’s true. As The Daily News puts it, “The President asserted his new authority when he signed a postal reform bill into law on Dec. 20. Bush then issued a "signing statement" that declared his right to open people's mail under emergency conditions.”
Emergency conditions, eh? Wow, what a strange coincidence that we’ve been at a minimum of an “elevated” threat level since September the 11th (as he likes to call it). Isn’t that just the most convenient thing you ever heard, boys and girls? And you thought having your phones tapped was invasive! He was just getting warmed up.

When is this shit going to end? And don’t tell me November 2008, because that’s so depressing I can’t even bear the thought of it. Dear God and Baby Jesus, what is it going to take to get this fascist impeached? He’s the president of the United States, true, but that doesn’t give him the Divine Right of Kings.
“Hey 'Mrrica, here’s what I think of you and yer civil liberties!”

Remember when all this guy was famous for was getting busted for cocaine and executing mentally disabled people? Ah, those were the good old days.
1 comment:
it´s gonna end the day we stand up to
those freaking bastards who just take for granded that we do not believe it is possible to make love the biggest thing on earth..i think .:-)
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