This is just such an article. From its headline to the period at the end, this is perfect.
It can honestly be said: Edward R. Murrow, you are no Richard Johnson.

up all night and down every day
He also claims that feeding a baby with soy milk has the equivalent effect on them of giving them five birth control pills. Which is an interesting claim, albeit a completely insane one.
So there you have it, folks. Those delicious Chik patties you've been scarfing up for the past few years will literally turn your flag-wielding, church-going, no premarital sex-having sons and daughters into a nation of Ru Pauls during fleet week. Vegetarians? More like Future Sodomites of America.
I hope you're all so very proud of yourselves. Does it make you feel more like a real (wo)man to make your kids feel like less of a (wo)man and maybe even eventually possibly want to have sexual relations with a (wo)man of the same sex? Whoah, man.
Although, now that I'm thinking about it, there was always something "fruity" about the name "Tofutti." Wocka, wocka, wocka.
I sure hope the terrorists don't find out about this. They'll have a field day with it.
On behalf of everyone here at the Ledge, have a wonderful holiday. And this season, please remember to keep the "Bebop" in Christmas. I know I will.
I'll also be keeping the Budweiser in my tummy.
"The price one pays for pursuing any profession or calling is an intimate knowledge of its ugly side."
- James Baldwin
Just today, I was thinking to myself, “Hey Self, it’s been a rather crappy week, hasn’t it?”
“Yes, Self, it certainly has. And it’s only Tuesday.”
“That’s true, Self. But last week kind of blurred into this one, did it not?”
“Yes, it most certainly did. And did I mention it’s only Tuesday?”
“Yes, I’m afraid you did, you handsome bastard.”
“Oh, Self… What are we going to do with ourSelves?”
Can you tell that I’m tired and losing my mind?
Without further crappola... the past week or so, in emails counts (Let me specify - WORK emails. Personal emails are a different and far more enjoyable species altogether.):
Monday – 121
Tuesday – 119
Wednesday – 183
Thursday – 148
Friday – 151
Saturday – 14*
Sunday – 10*
Monday – 204
Tuesday – 224
(* Yes, small numbers, I know, but they were on the weekend, so I’m counting them as ten weekday emails for every one weekend email. Totaling 140 and 100, respectively.)
As you can see, things are getting progressively worse. The bad days are the ones when I have to do other work, other than just answering all these damn emails. Which is... every day.
I’m wondering how this stacks up with other people out there. Am I crazy or is that a lot of mail to go through? Or am I just peeing my pants over nothing? (It’s been known to happen.)
Today is Tuesday. I posit that it is no coincidence the subject of the email I received today from Netflix said “For Wednesday: Repulsion.” So what if it was talking about this kind of Repulsion and not this kind.